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6. Interview with Steph Gorton: A Millionaire Who Didn’t Think She Was A High Performer

Season #1

Today I am super excited to have a very special guest, Steph Gorton. She is not only one of the most amazing award-winning coaches out there that helps business to business coaches and consultants go from $5K months to $30K months. She was my first coach as well.

She has built her first business up to a six-figure startup in under three years, which is phenomenal.

Anyone in business knows how hard that is to do, and to date has coached over a thousand women to successfully grow their businesses to $10K+ months.

Steph is the recipient of the Brains Global Award and has been named among Forbes top business coaches in 2021.

In this episode we cover:

    • Steph talks about her mission in life; to help more women have a seat at the table.
    • Steph’s earliest memory of being a high achiever. Which was surprisingly very recent!
    • How high achievers don’t identify themselves as high achievers because they always want more.
    • The importance of community.
    • If someone else can achieve what you want, then it’s possible for you.
    • How Steph spent years developing an audience before she reached $10K months.
    • Steph says how earning her first $1M was the hardest. But once she hit that mark, her skills and systems were well developed, and it got easier.
    • When you imagine where you want to be and reach it, it doesn’t surprise you as you’ve already felt how it feels to reach that goal already in your head.
    • The importance of social proof.
    • Steph reveals her methods for launching new products and her biggest achievement to date.
    • How, in life, you must fail fast, and fail often. Otherwise, nothing changes.
    • Steph tells us about her hardest failure and what she’s learnt from it.
    • Steph answers five fast questions on being a high achiever.
    • How to reach Steph.

Resources and links mentioned in this episode: